Sunday, August 27, 2006

10 things…

10 things that annoy me

1. My dad, in general.
2. The sound of water (from the AC, the apartment above ours) dripping & hitting my bedroom AC (I've even lost sleep coz of that).
3. Anyone opening closed doors and not shutting it properly once they leave the room.
4. Parents of kids that go crazy; they don’t bother to control the kids, they simply ignore the kids as if it’s someone else’s problem now. I’ve named the lot ‘The Satan kids & the Asshole parents’
5. Dad’s cigarette smoke seeping into my bedroom when I am trying hard to sleep. The smoke totally disturbs my sleep.
6. Dripping water from a broken faucet.
7. Wet bathroom floors.
8. Inquisitive cab drivers, asking questions like
‘Coming from work?’, ‘You take the cab daily?’, ‘Where are you from?’, ‘Are you married?’

even after showing clear signs of disinterest and dislike of such probing.
9. Buzzing mosquitoes (applicable in India), loud noise from the nearby construction site, sound of a door banging in the other room, television cacophony that somehow manages to hit my ear drums even through layers of closed doors & walls – all of these, especially when I am trying to get some sleep, coz at times, sleep comes very hard for me.
10. This one isn’t annoying, it’s plainly disgusting: people digging their nose in public, they aren’t even aware it’s extremely disgusting to others. [A nose-picking colleague of mine was one of many reasons I quit Siemens earlier this year.] Pick your nose, you need to get clean nose, but why in front of others, why make others go through the ordeal??

10 things I like that aren't routine stuff

1. Getting a bunch of lovely fresh flowers from your friend, and its not even your birthday!
2. The excitement that goes with planning & throwing a surprise birthday party (or any party for that matter).
3. Watching a movie that is much talked about and the movie lives up to your expectations.
4. Trying out a new dish and getting raving reviews for it.
5. A piece of jewelry or accessory that took time to select & then getting compliments for it. It makes all the time & effort spent really worth it.
6. A good book, reading for the first time or just simply re-reading it (like now when I'm reading 'To kill a Mockingbird' for the second time).
7. Listening to a new song and instantly liking it, the tunes and the lyrics.
8. Meeting up with friends and spending quality time with them, not just a few minutes or an hour.
9. Finding an old letter from your late grandfather or an old birthday card from a high-school friend or your old journal. Reading it brings back a feeling that you can’t feel in a thousand years!
10. Remembering the meaning of a new word that you picked up recently. It’s quite an accomplishment!

[PS: Just in case you are wondering, I am not one of those sleep-loving freaks and I haven't taken up sleeping as a hobby. It's just that I get Insomnia on & off, so times when sleep & the sleepy-feeling comes less, I can be quite the grouch; my hostelmates (in college) can vouch for that :P ]


Blogger nijaz said...

I'm surprised i'm not on the annoy list. Why? more often than not i'm responsible for points 3,5,6,7,10

Monday, August 28, 2006 8:59:00 AM  
Blogger Natasha said...

3 & 5 I can understand.

but how in the name of God are u responsible for water dripping from a faulty tap???

and now that u've mentioned it, u might figure in the annoy list, thank to point # 10 ;)

Monday, August 28, 2006 12:50:00 PM  
Blogger nijaz said...

#5 is just fate. Like things have to always break when I touch them. My dad maintained his car immaculately for six years until I got the license ofcourse. Things that have accidently broken because I just touched them or drove them include - the screen visor(day three of license i think), the rear view mirror, The seat height adjustment knob, a set of keys(lost), the fuel injector, the a/c. It's just more than once for comfort. And nothing has still happened when he has driven (which is the bulk of the driving)

Monday, August 28, 2006 7:45:00 PM  

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