Sunday, May 28, 2006

Rush Rush

I was trying to avoid writing about songs so often, coz I didn’t want to bore anyone with what I think about them. But I can’t help it that songs play an important part in that my mind has a way which links these songs with incidents, people and circumstances. Here’s one more of them, when I heard Paula Abdul’s ‘Rush Rush’.

I started hearing this song around monsoon 2002. I wasn’t the one who played it. Marilyn did – in the mornings, while we were all getting ready to go to college. I didn’t like that song at all. I think what put me off were the lyrics. Marilyn pointed out the excellent part in the song with the violin. It was good. But still the lyrics put me off so much that I couldn’t quite enjoy it. She was puzzled as to what in the lyrics put me off. I thought it was a love song. No, no, not like Boyzone’s ‘When you say nothing at all’ or Bryan Adam's 'Everything I do' kinda love; I got the idea that it was a lovemaking song [which I thought was gross for a song, a book its fine, not a song]!! Well it turned out that it wasn’t, that is, once Marilyn pointed it out to me. Well well, that was funny. Tsk Tsk. Ever since that song figures in my playlists.


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